ICBO 2024 conference

About Program

Keynote Speakers


Accepted papers


  • Empowering Standardization of Cancer Vaccines through Ontology: Enhanced modeling and data analysis - for JBMS Direct-to-Journal Track
    • Jie Zheng et al.
  • (Re-)bridging the anatomy ontologies with SSSOM
    • Damien Goutte-Gattat (University of Cambridge)
    • Nicolas Matentzoglu (Semanticly)
  • Are Continuant Fiat Boundaries Independent Continuants?
    • Michael Rabenberg (University at Buffalo)
    • Werner Ceusters (University at Buffalo)
  • Modeling Biomedical Burdens in Basic Formal Ontology
    • Paul R Smart (University of Southampton)
    • Nic Fair (University of Southampton)
    • Michael Boniface (University of Southampton)
  • Semantic Representation of Preclinical Data in Radiation Oncology
    • Olga Giraldo (DKFZ)
  • Expanding the Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma Centers and Trauma Systems
    • Mathias Brochhausen (UAMS)
    • Diya Mehta (Harvey Mudd College)
    • Justin Whorton (UAMS)
    • Reza Shahriari (University of Florida)
    • Eric D Ragan (University of Florida)
    • Jonathan Bona (UAMS)
    • William Hogan (Medical College of Wisconsin)
    • Kevin Sexton (UAMS)
  • Exploring the Evolution of the Gene Ontology and its Impact on Enrichment Analysis
    • Yi Chen (Leiden University)
    • Frank Takes (Leiden University)
    • Fons J Verbeek (LIACS, Leiden University)
    • Katherine Wolstencroft (LIACS, Leiden University)
  • Grounding Realizable Entities
    • Michael Rabenberg (University at Buffalo)
    • Carter Benson (University at Buffalo)
    • Federico Donato (University at Buffalo)
    • Yongqun He (University of Michigan)
    • Anthony Huffman (University of Michigan)
    • Shane Babcock (KadSci, LLC)
    • John Beverley (University at Buffalo)
  • Credentials in the Occupation Ontology
    • John Beverley (University at Buffalo)
    • Robin McGill (ACHE)
    • Sam Smith (University of Michigan)
    • Jie Zheng (Unversity of Michigan)
    • Bill Duncan (University of Florida)
    • Matt Diller (University of Florida)
    • Giacomo De Colle (University at Buffalo)
    • Finn Wilson (University at Buffalo)
    • William Hogan (Medical College of Wisconsin)
    • Yongqun He (University of Michigan)


  • OLS4: New Features for Exploring Ontologies
    • Haider Iqbal (EMBL-EBI)
    • James McLaughlin (EMBL-EBI)
    • Helen Parkinson (EMBL-EBI)
    • Henriette Harmse (EMBL-EBI)
  • Bridging the Gap: Integrating Public Bio-Ontologies into Enterprise Data Management Strategies
    • Shawn Z K Tan (Novo Nordisk)
    • Joshua Valdez (Novo Nordisk)
    • Saritha Kuriakose (Novo Nordisk)
  • Standardising biological trait representation with the Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA)
    • Arwa Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim (EMBL-EBI)
  • Phenotypic Inference Evaluation Framework for variant and gene prioritisation algorithms
    • Vinicius de Souza (EBI)
    • Yasemin Bridges (Queen Mary University of London)
    • Jules Jacobsen (Queen Mary University of London)
    • Damian Smedley (Queen Mary University of London)
    • Nicolas Matentzoglu (Semanticly)
    • James McLaughlin (EMBL-EBI)
  • Representing Bionic-vision Devices in the Neural Electronic Interface Ontology
    • Jisoo Seo (University at Buffalo)
    • Alexander D Diehl (University at Buffalo)
    • Daniel Rathbun (Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology)
    • Gopikrishnan M. Chandrasekharan (University of Florida)
    • Callie McGrath (Independent Researcher)
    • Bill Duncan (University of Florida)
  • Initial Steps in Developing an Ontology of Dental Care-Related Fear, Anxiety, and Phobia
    • Bill Duncan (University of Florida)
    • Astha Singhal (University of Florida)
    • Olga S. Ensz (University of Florida)
    • Alexander D Diehl (University at Buffalo)
    • Brenda Heaton (University of Utah School of Dentistry)
  • An ontological representation of oral dysbiosis
    • Gopikrishnan M. Chandrasekharan (University of Florida)
    • Alexander D Diehl (University at Buffalo)
    • Nivedita Dutta (Self-Employed Clinician and Clinical Researcher)
    • Bill Duncan (University of Florida)
  • Classification of genetic developmental disorders in the peer-reviewed literature using biomedical ontologies
    • Michael Yates (University of Edinburgh)
    • Ian Simpson (University of Edinburgh)
  • Building an Ontology of Pain
    • Finn Wilson (University at Buffalo)
    • Gopikrishnan M. Chandrasekharan (University of Florida)
    • Matthew Diller (University of Florida)
    • Jisoo Seo (University at Buffalo)
    • Alexander D Diehl (University at Buffalo)
    • Bill Duncan (University of Florida)
  • Comparison of the OBO Foundry Principles with the FAIR and TRUST Principles
    • Anna Maria Masci
    • Daniela Rosu
    • Asiyah Y. Lin
  • ON TO A Better Path to Choose Your Best Ontologies
    • Asiyah Yu Lin
    • John Graybeal
    • Anna Maria Masci
    • Juliane Schneider
    • Ruth Duerr
    • Eric G Stephan
    • Hande Kũçük McGinty

ICBO Details

July 18

Schedule Event
09:00 - 09:30 ICBO Opening and Welcome (Robert Hoehndorf)
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote Lecture: Michel Dumontier
11:00 - 11:30 Semantic Representation of Preclinical Data in Radiation Oncology
11:30 - 12:15 Poster Flash Talks
14:00 - 14:30 Poster Session Continued
14:30 - 15:00 Expanding the Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma Centers and Trauma Systems
15:00 - 15:30 Modeling Biomedical Burdens in Basic Formal Ontology

July 19

Schedule Event
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote Lecture: Barend Mons
11:00 - 11:30 Credentials in the Occupation Ontology
11:30 - 12:00 (Re-)bridging the Anatomy Ontologies with SSSOM
12:00 - 12:30 Grounding Realizable Entities
14:00 - 14:30 Exploring the Evolution of the Gene Ontology and its Impact on Enrichment Analysis
14:30 - 15:00 Concretizing Plan Specifications as Realizables within the OBO Foundry
15:00 - 15:30 Empowering Standardization of Cancer Vaccines through Ontology: Enhanced modeling and data analysis
16:30 - 17:30 Community plenary discussion: Future ICBO, topics, and organization (Bill Duncan and Asiyah Lin)
17:30 Closing (Bill Duncan and Asiyah Lin)

Entire Program

Please check the entire program here: https://www.utwente.nl/en/eemcs/fois2024/program/

Contact Information

Please direct all further questions to icbo-2024@googlegroups.com